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Monday, June 29, 2009

Lingerie Model Laetitia Casta in Vintage Corset

Here's a great sexy photo of Laetitia Casta modelling what looks like a vintage corset and ruffled underwear. It's some of the little details that really appeal to me such as the pointed toes and the fact that the shot was taken from behind showing all the detail of the corset laces.

Laetitia Casta was the official face of L'Oréal, Dior, and Chanel. Laetitia Casta has appeared on over 100 magazine covers including Victoria's Secret catalogs, ELLE magazine, and Vogue magazine, and has been credited, along with Tyra Banks, with bringing back voluptuous models. She also appeared in three consecutive Sports Illustrated Swimsuit Issue, Rolling Stone, and a Pirelli Calendar.

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